

"From his earliest creative beginnings in 1990, Pula photographer Đani Celija has shown an interest in the human body. Most often, it was a question of female acts of emphasized sensuality,  sensuality, relief and geo-graphics of the incarnate, placed in large  formats and always in black and white relationships.From 2013 onwards, with periods of time that led him to some other  attractors, themes and motifs, and again this year, Celija has been  working on a series of black and white photographs that he called Prorezi. Again, it is about nudes, male and female, independent or placed in relation  to each other in a common space divided by a transparent nylon film.

According to the author, foil signifies and determines what is "in front" and  what is "behind" (the foil), which can be metaphorically understood as  dichotomous relations of private and public, adultery and fidelity, calm beautiful and aggressive ugly, moral and immoral - in the end . The slits on the foils are shaped like vulvas or wounds, so any penetration of body parts from one space to another can be experienced and/or  perceived as the birth of new situations, relationships and  communication dynamics of any kind. By this simple interpolation into the space that literally "blurs" the relations of the actors, Celija obtained a complex story, literature and scenography, and thus turned the "quiet life" of the body (still life,  an English term meaning still life) into exciting possibilities  dependent on the viewer's imagination.

In essence, we are talking here about directed photography that became  relevant at the beginning of the last century, but realized in an  original, poetic and poeticizing way that contains aesthetic  possibilities of both beautiful and ugly, therefore, comprehensively of  life."

Berislav Valušek

"Slits 1" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 2" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 3" 2014. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 4" 2014. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 5" 2016. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 6" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 7" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 8" 2016. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 9" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 10" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 11" 2014. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 12" 2016. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 13" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 14" 2014. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 15" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP

"Slits 16" 2013. - 5 + 2 AP